CMSI 543 / SYEG 557: Welcome to Week 03

This Week's Class Agenda

Introduction to Roles

Since most of your text book focuses on Scrum, and since Scrum seems to be the currently dominating Agile methodology in use, we start the discussion of Agile mechanics by discribing and discussing the roles that are involved in a project that follows Scrum.

They are SCRUMptious!

QUICK QUIZ: Why is it important to understand the Agile roles?

For Scrum, there are three main roles for any Agile project: Product Owner, Scrum Master, and Team Member. Let's look at each one in turn, in full detail.

It is helpful, when learning about the Scrum roles, to keep in mind the twelve Agile Principles, as they are given at the Agile Alliance website.

Product Owner

The product owner is directly in charge of two of the twelve Agile Principles. First, the product owner has the responsibility for principle #1: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Secondly, the product owner is responsible for principle #4: Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

You can think of product owners as sort of glorified cheerleaders in some respects. They are the ones who are the champions of the product and who must facilitate product decisions. They are also the ones who have the final say about the product. A couple of things to note here, though. Product owners don't actually own the product, they are merely the responsible party for the product. In that sense, they own the responsibility for the product, with respect to the two principles given above. Secondly, they facilitate product decisions, but they don't actually make them.

the productowner

Making a viable project out of an abstract product vision is done by creating and maintaining the product backlog, which is one of the core duties of the product owner. [From here on this will be abbreviated PO.] The product backlog is a listing of all the user stories that are part of the project. We'll talk about the details of user stories in a minute; for now, just know that these are the way the project is divided up into parts of manageable size and that they are prioritized so the team always knows what they are working on. These user stories are the Agile equivalent of the software requirements that are used by other methdologies like Waterfall. It is the job of the PO to maintain the backlog. Further, it is the job of the PO to be the one to write the user stories to begin with, and to work with the customer to prioritize them.

The following list provides an overview of the PO's tasks. For complete details on each of these items, refer to the week05 web page.

Who IS the Product Owner?

So, given that the PO is such a critical role, who is the best person to fill that position on the team? It is most important to make sure that person knows the martkeplace as well as the needs of customers and other potential prospects of the business. It is also vital that the PO knows EXACTLY WHAT the team needs to build. To do that, the PO needs easy access to market information as well as feedback from the stakeholders on the project.

There are several people who can then serve as the PO. It might be a Product Manager who has experience with product development from past projects, Agile or not. It might also be a Business Analyst [BA] who has the requisite knowledge; this BA might be from the IT department, or perhaps from somewhere else in the organization. It might also be an account manager who is responsible for engaging with the current customers of the organization. It may even be someone from a more operations-focused department who has knowledge of the company's operations. As long as it is someone who will perform due diligence on the duties of a PO with the required knowledge, who will create a good feedback loop with the rest of the team, organization, and stakeholders, the PO can come from any area.

Scrum Master

The Great Facilitator!

The next key role we will address is the Scrum Master role. For many organizations, this role is VERY new and different from the normal state of affairs, and in many cases does not really have a comparable role in Waterfall methods. The Scrum Master [SM] is responsible for actually being the development team leader, and must work through any issues that arise within the team during the sprint. The specific details of what the SM must do depends heavily on a set of factors, including the size of the team and the experience level of its members. The SM must be the kind of person who is willing to make decisions and take responsibility for them, and must be the key player throughtout the organization who can remove roadblocks that are keeping the team from making forward progress. Being the project SM is definitely not a job for everyone – some people are uncomfortable with the visibility of this role in the organization, or may not be able to take the initiative needed to ensure the project's success.

The following list provides an overview of the SM's tasks. For complete details on each of these items, refer to the week05 web page.

Scrum Master Role

There are a couple of variations on the SM role, which can change from organization to organization:

Who Should Be Scrum Master?

This is a very important decision to make early on in the project. Because a good choice is so critical to the success of the project, there are several things to consider in terms of who to pick:


The last role we'll look at is the role of the Scrum team. These are the people who will perform all the development tasks necessary to ultimately deliver on the project. There is a great deal of variability about the team makeup. The following paragraphs provide some key things to take into account when forming an effective Scrum Team [ST].

Working Agreement

First, there needs to be an agreement of some kind that the team can all sign up to. The agreement Should help the team establish trust with each other and enable enforcement to the goals and principles of Agile. This agreement is what is known in Agile terms as the working agreement. There are several items which should be considered as part of this document [and it should be a document]:

Scrum Team Picture
  • Specification of the time and location of the daily Scrum meeting
  • The plan for one or more testing strategies, including unit level, functional level, integration level, performance level, stress testing, acceptance testing, first article testing, etc.
  • Plans for building and infrastructure and who will be responsible for each of the parts of each of those items
  • Normative behaviors for the team and its members, such as being on time, help when needed, respect for other team members, etc.
  • Process for addressing bug fixes and putting out fires when they occur
  • Documented availability of the PO, including office hours, phones, Scrum meeting attendance
  • Sprint capacity in story points which is estimated for the first sprint and calculated therafter

Fist of Five

The fist of five is a method of making a decision when there are several options to solve a problem and no ideal solution. It is a way of voting on a one to five scale, similar to a Likert scale that is used in survey research. The vote goes from one [lowest] to five [highest] and corresponds to the following selections:

  • Five fingers: I'm all in, I completely agree 100%
  • Four fingers: I buy into it, and support it
  • Three fingers: I have some reservations, but I can support the decision and move forward
  • Two fingers: I have reservations about this topic and I cannot support this decision without further discussion and clarification
  • One finger: I do not support this decision and I completely DISAGREE 100%

The fist of five system allows all team members to show their level of support, or lack thereof, so that there will be no team members who may not agree but choose to keep that opinion silent. In this sort of team environment, there cannot be such dissent, since it can possibly sabotage the team later on. As long as everyone shows three, four, or five fingers, the team can move on. If anyone shows one or two fingers, there needs to be further discussion before moving forward.

Note that it is possible, in some cases, for the dissenters to be right about their dissenting opinions. [I have been in situations in which the original dissenters have actually been able to show why their side makes more sense, and have brought the team around!]

Fist of Five Picture

Another thing to note is that the Fist of Five is really more aptly named the Fingers of Five since the 'vote' is actually done by holding up a number of fingers — the 'fist' actually means that person *DOES NOT* agree.

Another situation the fist of five can help to resolve is the social situation of introverted people in a setting with extroverted people. Sometimes people feel inhibited in speaking out or speaking up; the fist of five requires the participation of ALL team members. Further, the introverts may be able to overcome those feelings, at least in part, by realizing that simply by holding up two fingers they have the power to get the entire team to wait and listen to their concerns.

Self-Organizing & Team Size

There are some further points to be expressed about the climate of a team which is encouraged to self-organize. Such teams have a tendency to adopt the following states:

Self-organizing teams are allowed to handle their own individual job assignments. Once the sprint has been set up, planned, and groomed, the team members can pick what they want to be their assigned tasks to work on. The ownership of their own tasks is a significant difference between Agile and Waterfall; in the latter, team members are given job assignments by the manager. In that case if the manager picks well and the job assignment matches the person's skill set well, it is likely that the project will be fine. However, this doesn't necessarily allow for the individual to grow and learn anything new. If the team is self-organizing, the team members can achieve a significant increase in job satisfaction and a greater sense of ownership in the overall product as well as their part of it.


The first one is simple: the Agile best practice is for a team that has from five to nine people.

Cross Functional

Second, teams need to be cross-functional so that everyone on the team can participate in the design, coding, debugging, and testing within a single sprint. The focus is to get the team to have a complete set of the skills required so that working software can come out of EVERY SPRINT, without the need for any outside resources.

Further, the team should be as static as possible, so that there is as little upheaval or personnel changing as possible. Team personnel should NEVER change during a sprint. The time for such changes is between sprints, if at all.

Lastly, the team members should be assigned as FULL TIME, and should only work on a SINGLE TEAM. There may be situations in which this is not entirely possible, but the best practices is full-time membership. There may be times when a full-time person may not have enough to do, such as a DBA or UI designer. Such situations may require sharing those resources.

Scenarios and Examples

Take a look at your text book on pages 90 – 93 for some good [and compete!] examples of the roles that have been discussed above.

Extended Team Members

There are several other people who may be needed as part of the team, beyond the three major roles that we've met so far:

Roles In Other Agile Methods

These will be covered in a later class. Check out the week05 page for details.

Agile Requirements in Scrum

Agile works in a completely different way than Waterfall. Instead of trying to document all of the parts of a complex system up front, meaning at the very beginning of the project, Agile simply gets the team to figure out what the main parts of the system are, then pick a few of them that are key to providing value to the customer. The team then designs and builds that one key part or feature, then adds more parts and details to it as time goes on. Further, the requirements are focused on meeting the needs of the user or customer, on delivering immediate business value, and on inviting collaboration.

How Agile Does It

In software engineering, as in many other disciplines, gathering requirements is called requirements elicitation. This process collects the requirements and combines them into a document of some form. As we've seen in Waterfall, this is a Software Requirements Specification or SRS. However, in Agile/Scrum, the requirements take the form of things called user stories. This name is not chosen by accident. The idea is to have the customer walk the team through a typical use scenario, with each of the steps being written down so that at the end, the team [and the customer/user] will have a complete story of what that portion of the software must do. This helps the team to know:

User Story Format

With Agile, as with Waterfall and requirements statements, there is a very specific format for the user stories. However, the format is much more user-friendly:

   As a <type of user>, I want <some goal>, so that <some reason>.

Here's how the parts in angle brackets are described:

Here is an example from your text book on page 116 which shows how this would look for the case of our weather application:

   As a concerned and retired grandmother, I want to receive alerts for areas where my children and
   grandchildren live so I know when I need to worry and call them to make sure they are safe.

This user story clearly defines all three of the items in the list: type of user [grandmother], what is wanted [alerts], and the reason it is wanted/needed [so I know to call them]. The who, what, and why make a very specific combination so that the developers have much more to work with than the traditional way of Waterfall requirements — they have context for this part of the software. This helps to insure that the team will build the right thing.

A user story is not a specification, but a communication and collaboration tool. User stories should not be handed off to the development team but be complemented by a conversation. [Pichler 2010, in Ashmore, p 117]

In class exercise

  1. Create a working agreement within your project group. Discuss what matters to you as a team, what is most important to you as individuals making up that team, and how you can increase your effectiveness using teamwork.
  2. Write your agreement down and post it to your repo; you can incorporate it into your file if you like, or put it someplace else as a separate document.
  3. Every week or two, check to see how things are going. Is everyone honoring the agreement? If not, why not?
  4. At the due date for your Detailed design, re-evaluate the agreement again. Has it brought the team closer together? Has it been effective in creating a true team environment? What has been positive about the experience? What has been negative about it?
  5. Next, try writing some user stories for your project. Fit the user stories into the model that is on the page above. Think about the user stories *COMPLETELY* from the user's viewpoint — in other words, what would the user see on the application screen? What would the user do to make it perform some operation?
  6. Try to come up with at least three good user stories. Don't worry if they are too large or too small.

Coming up…